Have you ever felt rejected? Have you ever felt doubted? Relax, take a moment this morning and read this.

Matthew 13:55-56 Is not this the carpenter’s son? is not his mother called Mary? and his brethren, James, and Joses, and Simon, and Judas? 56 And his sisters, are they not all with us? Whence then hath this man all these things?

Isn’t it painful to be rejected by those who are close to you? Isn’t it painful to be rejected by those who have seen you grow? I have heard people complain and mourn winge about being rejected. Look at the pain that faced Jesus Christ. Does it sound and feel like what you have gone through? I know you are asking, how did you know a pastor? The scriptures tell these things and it is for you and me to know and learn from it.

People will reject you because of your background. They will reject you because of where you came from. They will reject you simply because they don’t like your parents. They will reject you because they just don’t believe what you have to offer. It is what people do. But let me tell you the real reasons that make people reject you. They reject you because:

#They don’t have faith in themselves: They just don’t want to be taught something new by you. They can’t convince themselves that you can teach them something they don’t know. Basically, they don’t have trust in their ability to believe in what you will teach them. It has nothing to do with your abilities.
#They fear what you have: Deep inside of them they know that what you have is bigger than what they have. They are afraid that if they accept you, they will propel you to greater heights. They don’t want to be your stepping stone because they know already that one opportunity, one chance you are gone. But they reject you so that you can get delayed. It has nothing to do with you.
#They are in a silent competition with you: Competition has made lots of people reject others. They become too competitive to realize that you have your own special gift that they can do nothing about it. They think by rejecting you, they automatically elevate their gift above yours. Unfortunately, that is not the truth and it will not be the truth anytime in the future.

Look here, they did this to Christ. What makes you think that they will accept you and your extraordinary gift? If you actually look around carefully, you will find someone. SomeONE who believes and who is not in competition with you, but who understands that these race can be run by two people or three people who are not in competition but who are in SUPPORT OF ONE ANOTHER. Look where the Gospel is today. Because of the twelve who believed in this special kid from Bethlehem, born from the known locals. Those who came from other areas. You can get ahead. You can do much by loving them and leaving them behind while you move with those who have faith in you. Pity they don’t know who is behind you and your gift. They are mistaken, they think it's you and your background, they think it's your parents. Yes, you are mortal, BUT the one behind your gift is not mortal. He is GOD, the one who was, who is and who is still to come. Good morning. #GetAhead

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